According to statistics, 30% of the adult population experiences periods of high blood pressure, and this is almost always a sign of an independent pathology or so-called primary hypertension. Our country ranks 49th in the world in terms of the number of people suffering from this disease.
Without treatment, complications of high blood pressure occur:
- myocardial infarction;
- stroke;
- acute heart failure;
- hypertensive crisis.
The insidiousness of the pathology is that in half of the cases, patients do not even suspect that they are suffering from a dangerous disease, so they do nothing, high blood pressure begins to manifest itself with unpleasant symptoms. Many countries have launched preventive programs aimed at combating the pathology. New, safe drugs are being developed to control blood pressure. At the same time, only 1/3 of hypertensive patients receive appropriate treatment and take care of their health.
Doctors around the world believe that every home should have a blood pressure monitor as well as a thermometer. This is especially true for families where relatives have already suffered from cardiovascular diseases.
Causes of high blood pressure
Currently, the exact causes of high blood pressure have not been established. The main risk factor is prolonged or severe psycho-emotional stress. Additional causes of pathology include:
- overweight: in case of overweight, each kilogram increases the blood pressure by two mm Hg;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- consumption of canned goods, smoked meats, fatty foods, sharp cheese;
- excessive use of salt during cooking;
- frequent stress;
- smoking - harmful substances in cigarettes contribute to mechanical damage to the walls of arteries;
- busy schedule;
- alcohol consumption;
- very tall or too short stature in men;
- physical and mental fatigue;
- consumption of animal proteins, which is not limited.
Hereditary predisposition is also among the risk factors. High blood pressure in first-degree relatives guarantees a high risk of developing the disease.
It is worth paying attention to age, the chance of this disease is higher in men after 35 years. In women, the pathology is associated with the onset of menopause.
Symptoms of high blood pressure
Often there are no signs of pathology, but sometimes the following symptoms are observed:
- headache;
- fast or weak heartbeat;
- dizziness;
- swelling of the eyelids, legs and arms, swelling of the face;
- memory disorder;
- numbness of the fingers;
- redness of the face;
- chills;
- increased sweating;
- anxiety;
- internal tension;
- reduced performance;
- irritability;
- the appearance of "mosquitoes" before the eyes.
All these manifestations do not bother patients constantly, but only occur for a certain period of time. This is the insidiousness of the disease, so if the above symptoms appear, consult a doctor for advice. If therapy is not started on time, the disease progresses over time and can lead to serious complications. This is why blood pressure control is important. There are now many special tonometers for this purpose, from traditional mechanical devices to fully automated models. Handling phonendoscope tonometers is more difficult, the sounds of pulsation cannot always be distinguished, but almost everyone can learn this after some training and practice.
It is forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol or coffee before blood pressure measurement, it is advisable to rest for a few minutes. The measurement should be done in a sitting position, the cuff should be fixed slightly above the elbow, where the pulse can be felt best. Most often, aneroid (lever and inflatable type) and automatic devices are used to determine pressure. In outpatient care, devices are used to track pressure changes throughout the day.
Each age group has its own blood pressure values:
- 16-20 years - pressure 100/70 - 120/80;
- for forty years, the norm is 120/70 - 130/80;
- from forty to sixty - up to 135/85;
- After sixty years, normal blood pressure reaches 140/90.
In cases where the readings exceed the norm for several days, this is a mandatory reason to see a doctor, even if there are no symptoms other than the device data. A competent doctor will give recommendations on the lifestyle of high blood pressure at an early stage, which will help to avoid complications.
Hypertension - classification
During the study of the disease, many different classifications were developed by division: according to etiology, patient appearance, stability and pressure level, causes of growth, and the nature of the course. Some of these are still used by doctors today.
The very first classification of hypertension divided it into red and pale. The appearance of the patient played a decisive role in this division. In the pale version, the patient had cold limbs and an unhealthy complexion, which is explained by vasospasm. In red hypertension, when the blood pressure rises, the patient's face, on the contrary, becomes red and covered with spots.
In practice, one of the most important classifications is the division of the disease according to its origin. There is a primary or essential form, which occurs as an isolated pathology. At the same time, there are no diseases of other organs and systems.
The secondary form is a symptom of the pathology of the organs involved in the regulation of vascular tone. These include the kidneys, endocrine and nervous systems.
There is no uniform classification of high blood pressure, but doctors generally use the classification recommended by the World Health Organization. It is characterized by the degree of pressure increase.
- Stage 1 hypertension is a mild form characterized by pressure between 140/90 and 159/99 mm Hg.
- high blood pressure - moderate high blood pressure, the pressure rises to 79/109 mmHg. Art. Sometimes doctors diagnose high blood pressure with "stage 2 risk 2", which means that there are one or two risk factors and the possibility of complications arises.
- Grade 3 hypertension is characterized by a severe course, the pressure rises to 180/110 mmHg. Art. and even higher. If during the examination the doctor diagnosed "hypertension, stage 3, risk 4", treatment should be started immediately and help should be sought at the hospital. In this case, the probability of complications increases to 30%.
Organs most sensitive to complications caused by high blood pressure:
- brain - DEP, dementia, stroke, memory loss;
- kidneys - development of chronic kidney failure;
- heart - heart failure, heart attack, coronary artery death;
- ships;
- eyes.
Doctors classify the disease depending on the damage to the above organs. Stages of high blood pressure:
- Stage I - the functioning of the cardiovascular system is not impaired, patients usually do not complain about their condition.
- II. stage - enlargement of the left ventricle, blood pressure rises. A local narrowing of retinal vessels can be observed.
- III. stage - signs of organ damage appear: chronic kidney failure, angina pectoris, hypertensive encephalopathy, disorders that an ophthalmologist can detect during an examination of the fundus (swelling of the optic nerve, hemorrhages), aortic aneurysm.
During the classification, the possibilities of increasing the pressure are taken into account. In this case, the following forms are distinguished:
- diastolic - lower pressure increases;
- systolic - only the upper indicators increase;
- systolic-diastolic;
- labile form - in this case, the pressure rises for a short time and returns to the normal value without special drugs.
There are certain types of high blood pressure that are not included in any of the classifications. These are refractory high blood pressure and hypertensive crises.
A hypertensive crisis is a condition in which the blood pressure rises to a critical level. Because of this, the patient may experience dizziness, severe headache, impaired cerebral circulation, and cerebral overheating.
Hypertension during pregnancy
In healthy women, blood pressure should remain within normal limits during pregnancy. However, starting from the 20th week, some patients may develop gestosis, which occurs due to vasospasm. The result is increased blood pressure, swelling and nausea. In severe cases, high blood pressure threatens with stroke, a condition that is dangerous for both the child and the woman.
Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to constantly check their blood pressure. If your blood pressure rises, you must inform your doctor about this, who will select the appropriate and safe treatment for high blood pressure during this period.
If you experience similar symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat its consequences.
Depending on the degree and stage of hypertension, the treatment is selected. Before starting the therapy, the doctor definitely prescribes diagnostic tests that confirm the presence of the disease.
The laboratory tests are as follows: general blood and urine analysis, urine test according to Nechiporenko, biochemical blood test and bacterial culture.
The mandatory diagnostic program includes the following:
- clinical examination;
- history taking;
- body weight and waist measurement;
- blood pressure measurement in both arms;
- ECG and FCG;
- fundus examination.
Treatment of high blood pressure
Stage 1 hypertension, symptoms and treatment
Stage 1 hypertension is characterized by a periodic increase in pressure, which normalizes on its own after some time. In such cases, the patient may feel headache, dizziness, tinnitus, and "spots" may flash before the eyes. In the first stage of the disease, the doctor will tell you how to treat high blood pressure without special drugs. The patient should change his lifestyle, monitor his weight, stopdrinking alcohol and smoking, you should exercise regularly, review your diet and try to avoid stress and excessive physical exertion.
Treatment aids include: reflexology, massage, physical therapy, herbal therapy.
Medicines are rarely prescribed, only in cases where other therapeutic methods have proven ineffective and the disease enters the next stage of development.
2 degree hypertension, symptoms and treatment
Usually, the disease does not develop in a short time. It takes several years for high blood pressure to progress to stage 2. Symptoms of the pathology are as follows:
- nausea;
- dizziness;
- headache;
- numbness of the fingers and toes;
- fatigue;
- cardio palm.
If the blood pressure rises permanently, the doctor prescribes special medicines to treat high blood pressure. They should be used continuously, regardless of the tonometer reading. We recommend taking diuretics, which help remove excess fluid from the body.
In some cases, a decision is made to prescribe ACE inhibitors, which affect the narrowing of blood vessels. They can enhance the effect of diuretics by reducing the ability to produce aldosterone.
Medications that reduce blood viscosity and cholesterol are used.
A wide selection of drugs allows for an individual selection of treatment for each patient. At the same time, don't forget about non-medicinal and complementary tools. Combined therapy gives positive results.
3 degree hypertension, symptoms and treatment
A doctor can diagnose stage 3 hypertension in case of target organ damage. Since blood pressure levels can now be successfully controlled with medication, less attention is paid to the magnitude of blood pressure values.
The reason for the development of the disease to such an extent is in most cases the late access to the doctor and the lack of proper treatment. Modern diagnostic options make it possible to detect even the smallest changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Often, the patients themselves neglect the opportunity to visit a specialist. Taking antihypertensive drugs (pills) in certain stages of the disease helps to reach the level of the physiological norm, not limited to "working blood pressure". This allows patients to avoid the third stage of the disease and significantly improve their quality of life.
Signs of organ damage are added to the symptoms of the disease. Damage to blood vessels and structures of the central nervous system is most often diagnosed in the brain. The risk of heart attack and hemodynamic instability increases significantly. The kidneys suffer, problems related to damage to the retina appear.
It is important to understand that when organs are damaged, a vicious cycle is created. The diseases that develop worsen the course of high blood pressure and are difficult to treat.
As in other cases, the treatment should consist of several stages. These are dosed physical activities and leisure activities. Patients must adhere to work and rest hours, have a healthy diet and do not forget about drug therapy.
Treatment of hypertension in the elderly
Elderly people with this disease are a special group of patients who need a special approach to treatment. Medicated lowering of blood pressure in the elderly has its own characteristics.
Standard therapy is not always suitable for patients over 60 years of age, but this is not a reason to abandon treatment. Individual selection of effective drugs and tuning in to a positive result are important here.
If no complications occur in the elderly, it is recommended to start treatment with a thiazide diuretic. Their effectiveness increases with the age of the patient, so after 55 these drugs are much more effective than at an earlier age. It is important to note that diuretics are prescribed in small doses, as increasing them can cause an increase in cholesterol. If the patient has low potassium or sodium levels, potassium-sparing agents are recommended.
If the patient cannot take diuretics for objective reasons, then beta-blockers become the drug of choice.
In the low-renin form of hypertension, calcium antagonists are prescribed to support cerebral and renal blood flow. In addition, these drugs are effective treatments for angina pectoris and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications.
Angiotensin II receptor blockers and ACE inhibitors are not as effective as the above drugs, but can be used if other drugs do not provide the desired effect. Strong drugs are rarely prescribed because they cause drowsiness, lethargy and low blood pressure even when standing.
Combination drugs for high blood pressure have been shown to lower blood pressure more effectively than single drugs in increased doses. Therefore, in modern medicine, combinations of drugs are prescribed:
- diuretics and calcium antagonists;
- beta blockers with diuretics;
- ACE inhibitor with calcium antagonist;
- ACE inhibitor diuretic.
In case of a hypertensive crisis, the patient needs rehabilitation. Usually, this problem is solved in a sanatorium. The following measures are recommended for patients:
- physiotherapy;
- dietary nutrition;
- spas;
- hardware physiotherapy;
- phytotherapy;
- aromatherapy;
- oxygen cocktails;
- drug treatment courses.
As maintenance therapy, patients are recommended to use electric sleep, laser therapy and electrophoresis. Thanks to the electrical impulses, the blood pressure decreases, the kidneys and the heart become healthier.
Sulphide and carbon dioxide baths improve the functioning of the immune system and normalize blood pressure. The selection of procedures is determined by the age of the patient and the stage of the disease.
Folk remedies in treatment
Treatment of high blood pressure should be comprehensive, along with traditional dosage forms, you can use traditional medicine, which includes many effective recipes.
- Red clover decoction. The plant is brewed in the same way as traditional tea, and then consumed at night with half a glass. It is advisable to use only fresh decoction, but you can store the medicine in the refrigerator for up to three days.
- Honey and garlic. You need to take half a glass of honey, crush five cloves of garlic and grind a lemon with its peel. Mix everything well and put it in a dark place for a week, then the composition should be stored in the refrigerator in a closed container (you can wrap it in a cloth or foil). Take a teaspoon three times a day.
- Vegetable juices. Mix a glass of carrot, black radish and beetroot juice with a glass of honey and the juice of one lemon. Take one tablespoon three times a day before meals. The duration of the course is one and a half months.
- Rosehip infusion can be consumed without restriction.
- Seeds. Pour well-washed, unpeeled sunflower seeds into the pan. Pour one and a half liters of cold water over it and boil on low heat for about two hours. The broth must be filtered and then drunk in a glass during the day.
- Golden mustache. Finely chop the dark purple knee and pour 0. 5 liters of vodka over it. Leave it in a dark place for twelve days, gently shaking the contents every three days. Half an hour before a meal, take a dessert spoonful.
- Citron. Mix 1 glass of white onion juice and 1 glass of honey and add 50 grams of pre-crushed lemon peel. Close the container in which the infusion is stored tightly and place it in a dark place. Take the infusion one teaspoon after a meal, two to three hours later. Or mix a tablespoon of grated lemon with chopped blueberries in a 1: 1 ratio, add half a tablespoon of fresh rose hips (you can also grind them through a meat grinder). Add the mixture to a glass of honey and take one tablespoon in the morning and evening.
- Honey. Mix five hundred grams of May honey with half a liter of vodka and heat until foam appears. In this case, the mixture must be stirred continuously. Let it boil. For the second composition, you need to boil a pinch of the following herbs in a liter of water: chamomile, cudweed, valerian, knotweed, motherwort. Allow the broth to boil, then strain and mix with the first mixture. Place the tincture in a dark place for three days. In the first week, the product is taken twice a day, one teaspoon, the next week, one tablespoon, until the concoction runs out. Such treatment is long-term, with breaks of 7-10 days.
Diet for high blood pressure
Proper and balanced nutrition for high blood pressure is the key to a successful fight against the disease. It is worth noting that every extra kilogram increases the numbers shown on the tonometer. The main task is to achieve the optimal weight if it does not meet the standards. In order to normalize blood pressure, the following recommendations should be followed.
- Reduce your salt intake. Since sodium retains water in the body, the volume of circulating blood increases, which affects the rise in blood pressure. The amount of salt will be about 4 grams. Ideally, there is no need to add additional salt to the food during cooking.
- To normalize the metabolism, it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of liquid, about 1. 5 liters per day. Preference should be given to clean water, rosehip decoction, and "healthy" soups.
- Eliminate coffee, strong tea and alcohol from your diet.
- Side dishes. It is important to divide your diet so that you eat even portions five to eight times a day.
- Reduce the consumption of meat and animal fats. Patients are advised to choose lean meat - turkey, veal, chicken, rabbit. It is best to fry without oil, if the meat seems bland, you can add herbs and lemon juice instead of salt. Smoked meats, sausages and butter should be included in the diet as rarely as possible.
- It is important to increase the consumption of vegetables and foods rich in potassium and magnesium: cereals, beets, carrots, dried apricots, cabbage.
- We recommend avoiding confectionery products containing a large amount of sugar, preferring dried fruits, honey, and whole grain products.
- Patients with high blood pressure should not fast. Strict fasting and dieting are contraindicated.
Disability due to high blood pressure
High blood pressure is a serious disease and in some cases patients are considered disabled. It is usually given to patients in the second or third stage of the disease or patients with constant progression.
in the case of stage 1 hypertension, the medical labor committee should help with employment, as it is necessary to avoid increased stress, night work and work involving contact with dangerous substances.
When determining disability, a special medical committee evaluates impairments, the presence of complications, and the history of hypertensive crises. Sometimes the third group can be diagnosed already in the second stage of hypertension.
The disability of the second group can be given to patients suffering from a malignant disease, in most cases it is non-functional.
In patients with hypertension of the 3rd degree, the first disability group can be established in the following cases:
- steady progression;
- severe heart failure;
- serious disorders in the functioning of organs;
- the patient cannot take care of himself, his movement and communication are limited.
Prevention of high blood pressure
Primary prevention should exclude the risk factors that contribute to the development of high blood pressure:
- maintenance of normal body weight;
- limiting the use of table salt;
- elimination of bad habits - smoking, alcohol;
- try to avoid physical and nervous stress;
- prevention of physical inactivity;
- treatment of chronic diseases.
Secondary prevention consists of the selection of drugs that stabilize blood pressure, as well as the selection of supportive measures.